Professor Elemental was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. It was removed by doctors soon afterwards and remains in the British Museum of the unpleasant to this very day. His father was a victim of a severe grinding accident whilst working on the creation of a new grinding machine, leaving baby Elemental to be raised under the watchful eye of his overprotective mother. Fed on a diet of pureed swan and old-fashioned British madness, he soon grew into one of the least respected and most ridiculed Professors to ever be turned away from every London society (including the Cub Scouts and the WI). Undeterred, he continues to work tirelessly on inventions that are both unwanted and unwelcome in polite society with the aid of his trusty butler Pugh and his augmented oran tang Geoffrey. He enjoys dissection, gin and shrieking with maniacal giggles at inopportune moments.
Aside from a few of his experiments (best left unmentioned!), the Professor first got himself noticed with the track "Cup of Brown Joy". The video, which has notched up over 2 million views on YouTube. Known for his outlandish live shows and delightful knees, recent appearances have included The Bizarre Ball, Secret Garden Festival, The Canadian Steampunk Expo and the Steampunk World's Fair.
Professor Elemental has created a unique neo-Victorian blend of hip hop and comedy, and is the man behind the world’s first steampunk rap album. His music charts subjects such as steam-powered flight, underwater discovery, and nice cups of tea. With a heart of brass and a pair of goggles, he embodies the Victorian spirit of invention and exploration. His act has gone like clockwork at Steampunk events and music festivals around the world including White Mischief, the Steampunk Worlds Fair and The San Francisco Edwardian Ball. He was also awarded Best Musical Act in the Brighton fringe as well as most Eccentric Englishman and most Eccentric artist.
What experiments does the Professor have planned for Alt-Fest? You'll have to come along and find out for yourself as they are so secret even we don't know!