There can’t be many people in the alternative community not touched in some way by the events that led to the tragic death of Sophie Lancaster in August 2007. In response to the loss of her daughter Sylvia Lancaster set up the Sophie Lancaster Foundation in order to educate and challenge prejudice against those people from the alternative subcultures and to campaign for the UK hate crime legislation to include those whose lifestyle and dress code differ from what society deems the norm. The foundation was immediately successful and became a registered charity in 2009. More recently Greater Manchester Police became the first region to recognise hate crime in relation to alternative subcultures – a major breakthrough.

Sylvia and the foundation continue to work closely with government and policing agencies as well as other organisations and more success is sure to follow.

As the world’s largest alternative festival it seemed essential to have a S.O.P.H.I.E. Stage in association with TBFM Online Radio to show our support for a charity that does so much great work. Along with the other stages the S.O.P.H.I.E. Stage in association with TBFM Online Radio will be given a special makeover by the Alt-Fest Art Crew to make it that extra bit special. The bands that play on this stage are an eclectic mix of genres representative of many of the subcultures the foundation seeks to gain recognition for. You can be sure the artists playing will know its significance and will be proud to be performing there, and proud to show their support for S.O.P.H.I.E.

There can’t be many people in the alternative community not touched in some way by the events that led to the tragic death of Sophie Lancaster in August 2007. In response to the loss of her daughter Sylvia Lancaster set up the Sophie Lancaster Foundation in order to educate and challenge predjudice against those people from the alternative subcultures and to campaign for the UK hate crime legislation to include those whose lifestyle and dresscode differ from what society deems the norm. The foundation was immediately successful and became a registered charity in 2009. More recently Greater Manchester Police became the first region to recognise hate crime in relation to alternative subcultures – a major breakthrough.

Sylvia and the foundation continue to work closely with government and policing agencies as well as other organisations and more success is sure to follow.

As the world’s largest alternative festival it seemed essential to have a S.O.P.H.I.E. stage to show our support for a charity that does so much great work. Along with the other stages the S.O.P.H.I.E. stage will be given a special makeover by the Alt-Fest Art Crew to make it that extra bit special. The bands that play on this stage are an eclectic mix of genres representative of many of the subcultures the foundation seeks to gain recognition for. You can be sure the artists playing will know its significance and will be proud to be performing there, and proud to show their support for S.O.P.H.I.E.



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