Dead of Night is Swansea's long running goth night that has been going for more than eight years. In that time, there has been periods where it was also the only goth club in Wales and today is Wales oldest regular goth night that is still running. Started by Gothfunc's HexNight Promotions which had been running events since 2002, the first ever Dead of Night was in May 2005, held at a number of venues until it settled in Milkwood Jam in 2007. By 2008, it had become a regular event, occuring on the first Saturday of every month.
Sadly, in 2011 Milkwood Jam was shut down though over that time it had a developed a dedicated and loyal crowd. These days Dead of Night is still held on the first Saturday of the Month, but in the much larger venue of Swansea's well known alternative club, Sin City. DJ's Gothfunc, Gwilym Games and Phil White make up the current resident DJ's for the night, though they also bring on occasions guest DJ's from around the land.
Dead of Night enjoys strong links with another Welsh club - Nocturnal Emissions - and in 2014, the two Welsh goth/industrial Clubs will be joining forces to bring a touch of the Welsh darkness to Alt-Fest, bringing you their regularly club DJ's Gothfunc, Gwilym Games, Phil White, Draken, Exhale, Ember and Hannah plus regularly guest DJ to both clubs Andrew 'Oz' Smith a night that will bring everything from traditional goth tracks through to danacable industrial and every dark alternative piece inbetween.

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