The band is called Petrol Bastard, and is a 2-piece sweary techno-punk outfit from Leeds, UK. They generally gig as a 3-piece (live femme-fatale DJ!!!), and very occassionally we will bring a troupe of idiot dancers. Only recently established on the live circuit, and already gaining a reputation for insanely energetic stage-shows, and hard/fast/nasty music with snarling vocals and disgusting lyrics.
"Sweary Northern techno-punk. Like a rubbish, drunk version of The Prodigy. Musical equivalent of a broken wheelchair, with shit all up the back of it's trousers..."
Currently playing shows nationwide, Petrol Bastard have supported such legends as Kunt & The Gang, XP8, and UK Subs!
Petrol Bastard fit with punk, metal, and rave/dance scenes really well, but anything 18+ and they guarantee a great show - they say fuck a LOT... um, and now we do, so it seems!
And what could be a better place to find Petrol Bastards than Alt-Fest???

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