Jezebel Steele is the inner performer of a mild mannered woman from Sheffield (although nobody would believe that), and anyway nowadays she lives on the other side of the Pennines.
She made her burlesque debut in 2010, and although she believes that it wasn't very good it did make her determined to improve and get back on stage again.
Her style has never been described as graceful, but audiences seem to like her comedic take on burlesque and that's just how she likes it; "if an audience laughs in the first minute, you know you've got them on side".
After realising that it's not easy to get stage time when you're new, she followed some good advice and set up her own night; for some reason, it turned out to be successful and she is currently working towards her ambition of "taking over the world... one tassel at a time!"
She teaches burlesque and organises other charity events, and just sometimes she can be found at her day job.

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