Stormbringer first came together in the summer of 2011 After a couple of Sunday afternoon beers between Dom and Ash. Both had just come away from their longterm projects, Deadeye and Nekkrosis respectively, and were looking to embark on a new journey. Dom was also a member of the critically acclaimed Viking Skull, who were between tours at this point so it seemed like the perfect time to start on something new. Dom then made the decision to contact Jon Quantrill, a lifelong friend and fellow musician (well, a drummer) to see if he would be interested in becoming involved in the new project. After a bit of thought Jon joined the band, followed by Darren McCullagh after hours of trawling the internet for a suitable and competent bass player.
The band live by their mission statement...
"To rock as hard as we can, wherever we can and have a good time doing it".
Now the band had its musical core and powerhouse, the guys locked themselves away in a rehearsal room and started to jam out the first drafts of what were to become truly great songs.
At first, it was all about the music. The four members very quickly had a full albums worth of material and inspiration was at a high so they booked some studio time. There was now just one place left to fill - they needed a singer.
After about a year and with the music for the album already recorded, Stormbringer added the finishing touch to their line-up. Mike Stockley joined the band in the winter of 2012 after a mutual friend said "you have got to check this guy out". Mike was exactly what the band were looking for, a classic rock voice with a contemporary edge and a lyrical ability that was perfect for the sound the band had created.
With the full line-up in place it was time to go out and cut their teeth on the road. Traveling to all four corners of the country the band received rave reviews and played to rocking crowds. With the bands reputation growing stronger with every gig and the crowds getting bigger all the time, it became clear that Stormbringer was living up to its name.

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