Since Beholder’s initial release The Awakening in 2009 which was praised by both media and fans, the band has been relentlessly touring in both the UK, Europe and Scandinavia and building a healthy army of support from increasingly fervent metal fans worldwide.
With the addition of Scott Taylor to the fold in 2011, as guitarist Simon Cliffe departed to focus on his own studio commitments, the band has enjoyed praise for their live shows and in early 2012 they embarked on a project to cement the new sound and build an album with power, intensity and the honest Beholder vibe, yet retaining the aggressive melody's associated with the band.
"Intense, thunderous British metal!"
– Jim Rowland, Get Ready To Rock!
Fiercely proud to be British yet disillusioned with much the Nation offers has meant anger, frustration and pure bloody fury has lyrically shaped this album as an all out attack! With undeniable hook lines, complexity and brutal delivery that will draw you in kicking and screaming as we again point scorn and derision at a world marked by massive inequalities of wealth and power. 12 blistering tracks featuring all the hall marks that make Beholder one of the UK’s most prized underground metal acts, The Order of Chaos is over 60 minutes of metal that has propelled the band to a wider market.
Whether it is politicians, bureaucrats, celebrity, media, war tyrants, plastic faced hags, those who have simply shaped the world, or just a need for a flesh ripping zombie apocalypse fix, all are thrown into The Order of Chaos.
Beholder is a must for fans of true traditional progressive thrash metal!
And it is a must that you see them perform at Alt-Fest!
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