The Green Stewards website has all the information you need and answers the most frequently asked questions for those new to it. The basic way it works is this. The company takes a returnable deposit (£125) out of which will come a £5 admin fee. The deposit is there because a very few people have in the past turned up, got in and then not worked. The admin fee is the ONLY money that does not get returned upon completion of your work. As an extra incentive and because we want to show our appreciation for those getting involved as stewards we're also offering some extra rewards. Each steward will also receive a free event tee shirt and a free Dismembership (worth £40). This means you can make use of all the facilities in the Dismembership area at any time during the festival when you're off duty.
You'll be expected to work three 6.5 hour shifts on any of the five days the festival is open. You'll only be working one shift per day though. This gives you plenty of time to enjoy the festival too. We'll even throw in a meal for each shift to make sure you're well rewarded for your efforts. The work itself is easy usually involving assisting members of the public. Training will be given and you will have professional support. You can apply to be a steward at Alt-Fest here.

At Green Stewards we specialise in ensuring that the whole show is a positive experience for everyone involved. We are the eyes-and-ears of the event and we make sure that everyone is safe and happy. At every festival we go to, the sense of community amongst our stewards is evident; which we believe is the envy of other companies. We've had hundreds of friends who keep in touch over the winter and continue their friendships beyond being workmates. If you have never done stewarding before, it's a great way to experience a festival. OK, so you have to work for your ticket, but stewarding is sociable and can be really rewarding – it has to be one the best festival jobs! If you can't persuade your mates to come to Altfest, don't be put off – at every event we have stewards who come on their own – you will hook up with new friends really quickly. Whether you come as a group or alone, you'll find Green Stewards to be one of the friendliest organisations to work with. We are committed to ensuring that our stewards are treated with respect, supported in their role and backed up in the decisions they make in the field.
We also offering training, delivering NVQs in Spectator Safety, Customer Service and Team Leading. Any stewards wish to get qualified should take a look at our training weekend in May - Alfest stewards could potentially attend the May training weekend and then complete their Spectator Safety NVQ whilst doing the stewarding shifts at Altfest.
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