Montague Jacques Fromage III and the SteampunkFunk Bizarre have firmly wedged themselves between Chap-Rap and Chap-Hop, their unique "Steampunk Funk"/Victorian rap is yet another entry into the world of steampunk music, necessitating the groups brainchild, Lord Monty, to toss his goggles into the genre's uncharted lyrical abyss as a bonafied contender.

Lord Monty has performed internationally (USA, UK with New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany and Amsterdam on this year's horizon) and has a growing international fandom trackable at ReverbNation and Number One Music.

In addition to the above he has performed/shared stages with steampunk luminaries Professor Elemental, Mr B./Gentleman Rhymer, Abney Park, Voltaire, Unwoman, Frenchy and the Punk; (UK) Dale Rowles/BB Blackdog, Gladstone, BirthRite, and a host of other international Steampunk headliners.

In addition, he has performed at major Steampunk venues: (USA) Steampunk World's Fair, Teslacon, Steampunk Industrial Revolution, WickedFaire, Dorian's Parlor, Anachrocon (Atlanta), Octopodicon (with Professor Elemental), and is "confirmed" at (amongst others) Steampunk/Gettysburg, Skybourne Carnival Menagerie (Dallas, TX with Steam Powered Giraffe, Unwoman, Vernian Process), Salt City Steamfest.

Most recently, he has been contracted as an anchor for a sizzle reel, the prelude to a 10 episode "reality TV" series about Steampunk lifestyles.

And now you can experience Lord Monty's unique musical inventions at Alt-Fest!


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Read 2237 times Last modified on Monday, 13 January 2014 16:55

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