Founded by the highly explosive duo Joel Meyer and Daniel Meyer, the industrial-project SAM released their first output Demo Lition in 2004. Directly afterwards they got signed by ProNoize, one of the most popular labels for industrial music. In 2006 ProNoize released SAM's debut album Synthetic Adrenaline Music, including the clubhit "24 Stunden", which promptly entered the German Alternative Charts (DAC) as well as several other German and international charts.
Motivated by this achievement SAM started working on their second disc Destruction Unit in 2008, which should be harder than ever. That certainly worked out and the success proves them right. Meanwhile they established their reputation as an excellent live-act. Their uncompromising and powerfull live performance provided them many shows both in Germany and abroad. In addition they supported giants of the electro scene like Combichrist, Agonoize or [:SITD:], and also played on known festivals like the Wave Gotik Treffen.
No doubt, SAM have become an industrial-/electro-reference, that shouldn't be missing in any DJ case or at any ride with over 130 MPH on the freeway.
In 2010, the long awaited third album Brainwasher was released as a limited digipack. It contains 13 mindblowing tracks including the hit-single "Bull Fucking Shit".
Their sound has noticeable developed and progressed. Now it rolls unstoppable like a steamroller, crushing everything on it's way. Groovy basslines, screaming synths, intelligent sampling and bloodcurling drumbeats have been and always will be the trademark of SAM.
Will you join us fighting our way to the front of the Alt-Fest crowd to witness SAM up close and personal?

Official site
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