Londons newest band The Howling are dragging punk rock to a new generation. Mixing Punk riffs with beats, samples and gut wrenching bass lines. Every London show the boys have played to date has sold out. Leading to many high end support shows including Kasabian and Volbeat. They make light work of bringing a full throttle energetic performance to every stage they grace which this year included Brixton Academy and Download festival. Best believe the Hype.
The Howling are all based in East London. The debut album was recorded at Great Eastern Studios which is where the name also came from when the neighbours complained to the council about the music was "so loud that it was HOWLING through the building."
The hype began straight away as the band sold out every show across london. Notting hill arts club to Borderline in 9 months.. with it increasing in capacity each time. in a year it has now reached 550 (Camden Underworld) which sold out in just 15 days.
This hype over such a short time led to Tom and Serge from Kasabian following and being big fans of the band. As are Liam Howlett of The Prodigy and Noel Fielding (Never Mind The Buzzcocks).
In the last few months the boys have moved on to bigger stages including Download 2013, supporting Kasabian and have toured the UK with Volbeat.

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