Things have really taken off for you recently, so much so that some people are surprised you formed half a decade ago. What was it like realising all that hard work was paying off?
"Well something you need to realise is bands exist in a bubble. We get such a twisted view of our own 'success' that it's hard to gauge. That's why we like playing live so much... A live headline show is the only way that you can really quantify how you're doing. So we're keen to test the water soon!!"
How do audiences in America differ from here in the UK?
"They're pretty similar in lots of ways. Just a load of people that like great music and want to have a good time. Americans are much more specific though. I had a couple compliment me on my "amazing control of my falsetto" after one show..."
You're known to be very hands on with many parts of the running of the band being kept in house. Have you had to let go of anything previously done by band members because of your success or are there any areas which are tabboo such as art work?
"Ha. you've done your research. Yes we have had to let things go... there inevitably comes a point where the work gets too much for mere human beings. We recently started working with a new management company that are taking a lot of the work off our backs, mainly the boring stuff. You're right though some stuff is still sacred. I can't ever see a time that Barrone won't do our artwork... You'd have to pull the pencil from his cold dead fingers!! The up shot of all this though is that we can concentrate of the most important things... Being great live, writing amazing music and keeping our selves in tip top shape ready to melt your face!"
We're very happy to have you headlining the S.O.P.H.I.E. stage at Alt-Fest. We felt it was a must to have The S.O.P.H.I.E. Lancaster Foundation well represented with a named stage at such a major alternative gathering. Are there any charities or causes that you give particular support to and if so why?
"The S.O.P.H.I.E. campaign has been the centre of our charitable efforts for some time. Mainly because it's a touching story and we can all relate. The law is mislead when it comes to catagorising hate crime and that's something we feel needs to change. It's about human ethics more than anything else really!!"
We all know crazy stuff happens on the road. What's the funniest or weirdest thing you've seen or done while playing a show or travelling?
"Well I'm not particularly mental but we've had several incidents with nudity and mountains..."
Fearless Vampire Killers headline the S.O.P.H.I.E. Stage in association with TBFM Online on Saturday August 16th.
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