Circus of Horrors is your brainchild, how did you decide that this is what you wanted to do for a living? How did you start up and when?
"It started properly 18 years ago at the 1995 Glastonbury Festival. I was born and bred in a traditional circus, my father was a lion trainer. I decided to leave the circus when I was 20 and have a go at Rock n Roll. I did OK at that, released a few records etc but never made any money at it until I started to use my theatrical background. The Circus of Horrors was a natural progression of that, combining 3 of my loves, Rock music, Circus & Horror."
Have you ever seen an act that was simply too macabre or weird that you had to say no?
"We had a guy come to an audition & nailed his bollocks to a plank of wood, it wasn't that it was too macabre it was more the point that he could only do it once, a bit like someone killing themselves, there's no encore."
Will you be bringing your full show? What can festival goers expect to see during a performance?
"Yes it will be the full show, I can't give you the full line up yet until we get the complete technical specifications but it will defiantly be a hell of a show."
Will you or your acts be checking out the rest of the site? Will you even have time to do this with your exhaustive schedule?
"We certainly will have a gruelling time but we will defiantly be checking out the other acts."
It's been great talking to you. We cannot wait to see Circus Of Horrors amazing people at Alt-Fest next year.
For more information on what to expect you can find out all about the Circus Of Horrors on their website: http://www.circusofhorrors.co.uk/
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