Anno 1997: During a night of alcoholic carnage in Finland Teemu "Somnium" Raimoranta (guitar) and Jan "Katla" Jämsen (vocals) conceived of a band that fused the darkness and grandeur of black metal with the traditional Finnish hoedown-music. The resultant sound was Finntroll. The namesake came from an old Finnish legend where Swedish priests coming to Finland had an encounter with a wild-looking man who killed most of their party. The survivors came back bearing the tale of the Finntroll.

"The hooks are catchy, everything is lusciously produced, and when they want to bring down the hammer, Finntroll will absolutely crush your head in for brutality."

Erikrat, Encyclopaedia Metallum


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Read 1854 times Last modified on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 09:50
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